Monday, August 25, 2008

You like me, you really really like me!

That's not true. In the words of my several fans, I am an intensely maligned ASS. 
Although this vituperation probably has more to do with the bitter aftertaste my defense of Amanda Bynes left in so many mouths than it has to do with the genuine desire for new posts, I have decided to acknowledge reader feedback and, in honor of Emma Claire Foley's birthday, begin posting again. Furthermore, I will take this opportunity to pledge that I will--by hook, crook, or nook--update this thing at least once a week during the coming school year. True, it's sort of stupid to make productivity pledges just as the school year starts up, but, hey, the school year is for new beginnings (right?--don't tell me if I'm wrong), and I really do love the sound of my own fingers pressing computer keys. 

And now for something Emma hopefully appreciates: May this video of the #1 song in America on August 25, 1988 help you make sense of the world into which you were born.

And now for something I definitely appreciate, because it proves that film critics are just like you and me. With a difference.

'Til my next self-imposed deadline,